Become a Member

KASFAA welcomes new members!  Benefits of belonging to our organization can be viewed at our "Who We Are" page, or on our benefits PDF.  Application for membership in the Association can be made via the online membership application.  The request will be reviewed by the Membership Committee.  Application for first-time membership in the Association must be approved by an affirmative vote of the majority of the Board of Directors.

Membership in KASFAA is established at the institutional or organizational level.  The institution or organization pays the membership dues on an annual basis.  Each institution or organization may then have an unlimited number of individual members associated with it.

  • Institutional members are colleges and universities that are engaged in the administration of student financial aid.
  • Associate members are public and private agencies and organizations concerned with or engaged in the support and/or administration of student financial aid.
Membership dues are $150 for both institutional and associate members.  The membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. 

In addition, KASFAA also welcomes membership from those who are not affiliated with an institutional or associate member.  These individual memberships shall be open to persons who are school counselors, retired financial aid administrators, officials with the U.S. Department of Education, or others not eligible for membership through an institution or associate member. 

Individual members should also be concerned with or engaging in the support and/or administration of student financial aid.  If you are interested in an individual membership, please contact the current Membership Committee Chair.

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